Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to make a story

Now, I've been asked this many times (Oh yes, I am a wise one :D )... not really... Anyway, I've been asked this, maybe once or twice.
They would go, "Oh Victoria, how do you write a story? I can't think of anything meaningful!"
Common question. There are actually many places where you can get your story ideas: the park, the city, school, even in nature. I tend to get them from listening to music... The only problem is, I write as well as the song I'm listening to. If my ipod shuffles to a bad song, I tend to write towards that direction. Now the best thing to do is start in somewhere quiet. The more beautiful it is to you the better. Don't rush and let it come to you. Don't feel shy and worry that people will laugh at you. No one will. You're writing from a perspective from your eyes. You, are unique and you should be able to share the feelings you have as compared to someone esle. So don't worry. :) I'll guide you through. ;)
1) calm down and have the plot of your story playing in your mind. I usually have the story play in my mind for a couple of days so that I can revise.
2) turn on some music
4)be happy
5)start writing, the characters in your mind can't wait to be a live.... :)

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