Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello World!

THIS (!) is the just the beginning of something GREAT!... Or it can turn into a disaster and I'll end up abandoning it just like I did my previous online diaries. Anyway, moving on to brighter news, you see that girl on the left? Yeah that's me. ;) On my Hawaii vacation, just fifteen hours from my 'killer' stomach virus! Yay!.... Sarcasm...
I don't know how things work around here yet... I wonder if this is a website where stalkers roam wild. If you are a stalker, I personally respect you, because no matter what, being able to have so much patience with one person... That's determination. Once you ditch the stalker habit, you'll go far in life. :\ anyway, I hope you (whom ever you are) and I become friends, once you get past the crappy mood I'm always in, I'm actually a pretty decent person... so my parents keep telling me. Life is great, Junior year sucks. I hope I turn out to be one of those people who become successful after high school and gets to brag to everyone like, "YEAH, I'm not a wierd antisocial girl! I have potential!" Because high school, I gotta say, isn't where the magic happens for me. Me sitting on a comfortable chair listening to music with a cup of hot chocolate is where the magic happens. Gosh, still I can't wait for college. I'll finally be able to let go and start all over again. The way I want it to be. The way.... I want it... to be.... (dramatic pause). Nah. I'm just kidding. I'll probably live the same exact life as I am right now just with more responsibilities and my mother being on my back about "already being an adult". See this is how it's like in asian families, once you're 18, they expect you to start pulling your own strings like paying for yourself... I guess it won't be too bad, except my mother is threatening me that once I'm 18 and I piss her off doing something stupid, she'll kick me out of the house. Lol, funny story, when I was 11, she really DID kick me out of the house... but less than 3 minutes later she ran after me crying for me to come home. Not only she gave me special treatment for a month! Making sure I don't really run away. How's that for punishment? Ahh! It's late now, gotta go to school tomorrow. Perhaps I'll talk to you later... If you think you'll miss me, just follow me on twitter. I'm addicted to that thing:
okay, that's it for now. see you soon (on twitter)!!! ;)